Monetary Base: Total as of 07/05/2023

The chart below depicts the monetary base as of 06/19/2023. It reveals that the monetary base experienced a notable increase, surpassing the 8 trillion dollar mark after starting at 4 trillion dollars. However, it subsequently decreased to approximately 8.3 trillion dollars.

The monetary base represents the total amount of money created by a central bank and includes currency in circulation and reserves held by commercial banks. It is an important measure of the money supply, but there are other measures such as M1, M2, and M3 that capture different components of the money supply. The monetary base allows the central bank to influence the money supply and economic activity through various mechanisms, such as buying government bonds to increase reserves and stimulate lending. Additionally, the monetary base is a key component of the central bank’s balance sheet, which includes its assets (monetary base, gold, foreign reserves) and liabilities (currency in circulation, reserves, government bonds). Understanding the concept of the monetary base is crucial for comprehending the central bank’s role in shaping the economy.

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